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Publication List


         2015 - 1995


  1. Matsubara Y#, Kato T#, Kashimada K, Tanaka H, Zhi Z, Ichinose S, Mizutani S, Morio T, Chiba T, Ito Y, Saga Y, Takada S*, Asahara H*. TALEN-Mediated Gene Disruption on Y Chromosome Reveals Critical Role of EIF2S3Y in Mouse Spermatogenesis. Stem Cells Dev. 2015 May 15;24(10):1164-70. 

  2. Miyata K#, Miyata T#, Nakabayashi K#, Okamura K, Naito M, Kawai T, Takada S, Kato K, Miyamoto S, Hata K, Asahara H*DNA methylation analysis of human myoblasts during in vitro myogenic differentiation: de novo methylation of promoters of muscle-related genes and its involvement in transcriptional down-regulation. Hum Mol Genet. 2015 Jan 15;24(2):410-23. 

  3. Otabe K, Nakahara H, Hasegawa A, Matsukawa T, Ayabe F, Onizuka N, Inui M, Takada S, Ito Y, Sekiya I, Muneta T, Lotz M, Asahara H*Transcription factor Mohawk controls tenogenic differentiation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells in vitro and in vivo. J Orthop Res. 2015 Jan;33(1):1-8. 

  4. Gernapudi R, Wolfson B, Zhang Y, Yao Y, Yang P, Asahara H, Zhou Q. MicroRNA 140 Promotes Expression of Long Noncoding RNA NEAT1 in Adipogenesis. Mol Cell Biol. 2015 Oct 12;36(1):30-8.

  5. Tateishi R, Akiyama N, Miyauchi M, Yoshinaga R, Sasanuma H, Kudo T, Shimbo M, Shinohara M, Obata K, Inoue J, Shirakawa M, Shiba D, Asahara H, Yoshida N, Takahashi S, Morita H, Akiyama T. Hypergravity Provokes a Temporary Reduction in CD4+CD8+ Thymocyte Number and a Persistent Decrease in Medullary Thymic Epithelial Cell Frequency in Mice. PLoS One. 2015 Oct 29;10(10):e0141650.

  6. Ogura Y, Miyake N, Kou I, Iida A, Nakajima M, Takeda K, Fujibayashi S, Shiina M, Okada E, Toyama Y, Iwanami A, Ishii K, Ogata K, Asahara H, Matsumoto N, Nakamura M, Matsumoto M, Ikegawa S. Identification of HOXD4 Mutations in Spinal Extradural Arachnoid Cyst. PLoS One. 2015 Nov 6;10(11):e0142126.


  7. Matsubara Y#, Chiba T#, Kashimada K, Morio T, Takada S, Mizutani S, Asahara H*Transcription activator-like effector nuclease-mediated transduction of exogenous gene into IL2RG locus. Sci Rep. 2014 May 23;4:5043.

  8. Onizuka N, Ito Y, Inagawa M, Nakahara H, Takada S, Lotz M, Toyama Y, Asahara H*The Mohawk homeobox transcription factor regulates the differentiation of tendons and volar plates. J Orthop Sci. 2014 Jan;19(1):172-80. Epub 2013 Oct 29.

  9. Nagata E, Kano H, Kato F, Yamaguchi R, Nakashima S, Takayama S, Kosaki R, Tonoki H, Mizuno S, Watanabe S, Yoshiura K, Kosho T, Hasegawa T, Kimizuka M, Suzuki A, Shimizu K, Ohashi H, Haga N, Numabe H, Horii E, Nagai T, Yoshihashi H, Nishimura G, Toda T, Takada S, Yokoyama S, Asahara H, Sano S, Fukami M, Ikegawa S, Ogata T. Japanese founder duplications/triplications involving BHLHA9 are associated with split-hand/foot malformation with or without long bone deficiency and Gollop-Wolfgang complex. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2014 Oct 21;9:125.

  10. Miyata K, Yotsumoto F, Nam SO, Odawara T, Manabe S, Ishikawa T, Itamochi H, Kigawa J, Takada S, Asahara H, Kuroki M, Miyamoto S. Contribution of transcription factor, SP1, to the promotion of HB-EGF expression in defense mechanism against the treatment of irinotecan in ovarian clear cell carcinoma. Cancer Med. 2014 Oct;3(5):1159-69. 

  11. Inui M, Miyado M, Igarashi M, Tamano M, Kubo A, Yamashita S, Asahara H, Fukami M, Takada S. Rapid generation of mouse models with defined point mutations by the CRISPR/Cas9 system. Sci Rep. 2014 Jun 23;4:5396.

  12. Takasawa K, Kashimada K, Pelosi E, Takagi M, Morio T, Asahara H, Schlessinger D, Mizutani S, Koopman P. FOXL2 transcriptionally represses Sf1 expression by antagonizing WT1 during ovarian development in mice. FASEB J. 2014 May;28(5):2020-8. 

  13. Shinohara M, Chang BY, Buggy JJ, Nagai Y, Kodama T, Asahara H, Takayanagi H. The orally available Btk inhibitor ibrutinib (PCI-32765) protects against osteoclast-mediated bone loss. Bone. 2014 Mar;60:8-15. 

  14. Akasaki Y, Hasegawa A, Saito M, Asahara H, Iwamoto Y, Lotz MK. Dysregulated FOXO transcription factors in articular cartilage in aging and osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2014 Jan;22(1):162-70.  


  15. Yoshitaka T, Kawai A, Miyaki S, Numoto K, Kikuta K, Ozaki T, Lotz M, Asahara H*Analysis of microRNAs expressions in chondrosarcoma. J Orthop Res. 2013 Dec;31(12):1992-8. 

  16. Kato T#, Miyata K#, Sonobe M, Yamashita S, Tamano M, Miura K, Kanai Y, Miyamoto S, Sakuma T, Yamamoto T, Inui M, Kikusui T, Asahara H*, Takada S*Production of Sry knockout mouse using TALEN via oocyte injection. Sci Rep. 2013 Nov 5;3:3136.

  17. Nakahara H, Hasegawa A, Otabe K, Ayabe F, Matsukawa T, Onizuka N, Ito Y, Ozaki T, Lotz MK, Asahara H*Transcription factor Mohawk and the pathogenesis of human anterior cruciate ligament degradation. Arthritis Rheum. 2013 Aug;65(8):2081-9.

  18. Shimizu H#, Kubo A#, Uchibe K, Hashimoto M, Yokoyama S, Takada S, Mitsuoka K, Asahara H*The AERO system: a 3D-like approach for recording gene expression patterns in the whole mouse embryo. PLoS One. 2013 Oct 16;8(10):e75754.

  19. Takada S, Sato T, Ito Y, Yamashita S, Kato T, Kawasumi M, Kanai-Azuma M, Igarashi A, Kato T, Tamano M, Asahara H*Targeted gene deletion of miRNAs in mice by TALEN system. PLoS One. 2013 Oct 16;8(10):e76004.

  20. Watanabe T, Oyama T, Asada M, Harada D, Ito Y, Inagawa M, Suzuki Y, Sugano S, Katsube K, Karsenty G, Komori T, Kitagawa M, Asahara H*MAML1 enhances the transcriptional activity of Runx2 and plays a role in bone development. PLoS Genetics2013;9(1):e1003132.


  21. Gibson G*, Asahara H*microRNAs and cartilage. J Orthop Res. 2013 Sep;31(9):1333-44. Review.

  22. Furumatsu T*, Asahara H*.Chromatin assembly and in vitro transcription analyses for evaluation of individual protein activities in multicomponent transcriptional complexes. Methods Mol Biol. 2013;977:193-202. Review.


  23. Rakoczy J, Fernandez-Valverde SL, Glazov EA, Wainwright EN, Sato T, Takada S, Combes AN, Korbie DJ, Miller D, Grimmond SM, Little MH, Asahara H, Mattick JS, Taft RJ, Wilhelm D. MicroRNAs-140-5p/140-3p modulate Leydig cell numbers in the developing mouse testis. Biol Reprod. 2013 Jun 6;88(6):143.

  24. Hasegawa A, Nakahara H, Kinoshita M, Asahara H, Koziol J, Lotz MK. Cellular and extracellular matrix changes in anterior cruciate ligaments during human knee aging and osteoarthritis. Arthritis Res Ther. 2013 Feb 14;15(1):R29.

  25. Matsukawa T, Sakai T, Yonezawa T, Hiraiwa H, Hamada T, Nakashima M, Ono Y, Ishizuka S, Nakahara H, Lotz MK, Asahara H, Ishiguro N. MicroRNA-125b regulates the expression of aggrecanase-1 (ADAMTS-4) in human osteoarthritic chondrocytes. Arthritis Res Ther. 2013 Feb 13;15(1):R28.

  26. Takata A, Otsuka M, Yoshikawa T, Kishikawa T, Hikiba Y, Obi S, Goto T, Kang YJ, Maeda S, Yoshida H, Omata M, Asahara H, Koike K. MicroRNA-140 acts as a liver tumor suppressor by controlling NF-κB activity by directly targeting DNA methyltransferase 1 (Dnmt1) expression. Hepatology. 2013 Jan;57(1):162-70.  


  27. Yamashita S, Miyaki S, Kato Y, Yokoyama S, Sato T, Barrionuevo F, Akiyama H, Scherer G, Takada S, Asahara H*L-Sox5 and Sox6 proteins enhance chondrogenic miR-140 microRNA expression by strengthening dimeric Sox9 activity. J Biol Chem. 2012 Jun 22;287(26):22206-15.

  28. Uchibe K, Shimizu H, Yokoyama S, Kuboki T, Asahara H*Identification of novel transcription-regulating genes expressed during murine molar developmentDev Dyn. 2012 Jul;241(7):1217-26.


  29. Miyaki S, Asahara H*Macro view of microRNA function in osteoarthritis. Nat Rev Rheumatol. 2012 Sep;8(9):543-52. Review.

  30. Yamashita S, Asahara H*. miRNA Functions in ArthritisCurrent Rheumatology Reviews. 2012, 8, 98-102

  31. Ito Y, Kayama T, Asahara H*A systems approach and skeletal myogenesis. Comp Funct Genomics. 2012;2012:759407. Review.

  32. Takada S, Asahara H*. Current strategies for microRNA research. Mod Rheumatol. 2012 Sep;22(5):645-53. Review.


  33. Fukami M, Tsuchiya T, Takada S, Kanbara A, Asahara H, Igarashi A, Kamiyama Y, Nishimura G, Ogata T. Complex genomic rearrangement in the SOX9 5' region in a patient with Pierre Robin sequence and hypoplastic left scapula. Am J Med Genet A. 2012 Jul;158A(7):1529-34.

  34. Chan EF, Harjanto R, Asahara H, Inoue N, Masuda K, Bugbee WD, Firestein GS, Hosalkar HS, Lotz MK, Sah RL. Structural and functional maturation of distal femoral cartilage and bone during postnatal development and growth in humans and mice. Orthop Clin North Am. 2012 Apr;43(2):173-85. Review.


  35. Asada M#, Rauch A#, Shimizu H, Maruyama H, Miyaki S, Shibamori M, Kawasome H, Ishiyama H, Tuckermann J, Asahara H*DNA binding-dependent glucocorticoid receptor activity promotes adipogenesis via Krüppel-like factor 15 gene expression.  Lab Invest. 2011 Feb;91(2):203-15.

  36. Asahara H*Switching gears to an arthritis gene expression network by SirT1 cleavage. Arthritis Rheum. 2011 Aug;63(8):2161-3. Review.

  37. Yokoyama S, Asahara H*. The myogenic transcriptional network.Cell Mol Life Sci. 2011 Jun;68(11):1843-9. Review.

  38. Wada S, Kato Y, Okutsu M, Miyaki S, Suzuki K, Yan Z, Schiaffino S, Asahara H, Ushida T, Akimoto T. Translational suppression of atrophic regulators by microRNA-23a integrates resistance to skeletal muscle atrophy. J Biol Chem. 2011 Nov 4;286(44):38456-6.

  39. Awazawa M, Ueki K, Inabe K, Yamauchi T, Kubota N, Kaneko K, Kobayashi M, Iwane A, Sasako T, Okazaki Y, Ohsugi M, Takamoto I, Yamashita S, Asahara H, Akira S, Kasuga M, Kadowaki T. Adiponectin enhances insulin sensitivity by increasing hepatic IRS-2 expression via a macrophage-derived IL-6-dependent pathway. Cell Metab. 2011 Apr 6;13(4):401-12.

  40. Mizutani R, Nakamura K, Yokoyama S, Sanbe A, Kusakawa S, Miyamoto Y, Torii T, Asahara H , Okado H, Yamauchi J, Tanoue A. Developmental expression of sorting nexin 3 in the mouse central nervous system.Gene Expr Patterns. 2011 Jan-Feb;11(1-2):33-40.


  41. Miyaki S, Sato T, Inoue A, Otsuki S, Ito Y, Yokoyama S, Kato Y, Takemoto F, Nakasa T, Yamashita S, Takada S, Lotz MK, Ueno-Kudo H, Asahara H*MicroRNA-140 plays dual roles in both cartilage development and homeostasis. Genes Dev. 2010 Jun 1;24(11):1173-85

  42. Ito Y, Toriuchi N, Yoshitaka T, Ueno-Kudoh H, Sato T, Yokoyama S, Nishida K, Akimoto T, Takahashi M, Miyaki S, Asahara H*The Mohawk homeobox gene is a critical regulator of tendon differentiation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Jun 8;107(23):10538-42

  43. Higashiyama R, Miyaki S, Yamashita S, Yoshitaka T, Lindman G, Ito Y, Sasho T, Takahashi K, Lotz M, Asahara H*.Correlation between MMP-13 and HDAC7 expression in human knee osteoarthritis. Mod Rheumatol. 2010 Feb;20(1):11-7. 

  44. Furumatsu T*, Asahara H*.  Histone acetylation influences the activity of Sox9-related transcriptional complex. Acta Med Okayama.2010 Dec;64(6):351-7. Review.

  45. Otsuki S, Hanson SR, Miyaki S, Grogan SP, Kinoshita M, Asahara H, Wong CH, Lotz MK. Extracellular sulfatases support cartilage homeostasis by regulating BMP and FGF signaling pathways. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Jun 1;107(22):10202-7. 

  46. Otsuki S, Grogan SP, Miyaki S, Kinoshita M, Asahara H, Lotz MK. Tissue neogenesis and STRO-1 expression in immature and mature articular cartilage. J Orthop Res. 2010 Jan;28(1):96-102. 

  47. Nakanishi K, Nakasa T, Tanaka N, Ishikawa M, Yamada K, Yamasaki K, Kamei N, Izumi B, Adachi N, Miyaki S, Asahara H, Ochi M. Responses of microRNAs 124a and 223 following spinal cord injury in mice. Spinal Cord. 2010 Mar;48(3):192-6.


  48. Yokoyama S, Ito Y, Ueno-Kudoh H, Shimizu H, Uchibe K, Albini S, Mitsuoka K, Miyaki S, Kiso M, Nagai A, Hikata T, Osada T, Fukuda N, Yamashita S, Harada D, Mezzano V, Kasai M, Puri PL, Hayashizaki Y, Okado H, Hashimoto M,  Asahara H*A systems approach reveals that the myogenesis genome network is regulated by the transcriptional repressor RP58Dev Cell. 2009 Dec;17(6):836-48.

  49. Ito T, Yadav N, Lee J, Furumatsu T, Yamashita S, Yoshida K, Taniguchi N, Hashimoto M, Tsuchiya M, Ozaki T, Lotz M, Bedford MT,  Asahara H*Arginine methyltransferase CARM1/PRMT4 regulates endochondral ossification. BMC Dev Biol. 2009 Sep 2;9:47.

  50. Miyaki S, Nakasa T, Otsuki S, Grogan SP, Higashiyama R, Inoue A, Kato Y, Sato T, Lotz MK,  Asahara H*MicroRNA-140 is expressed in differentiated human articular chondrocytes and modulates interleukin-1 responsesArthritis Rheum. 2009 Sep;60(9):2723-30.

  51. Yamashita S, Andoh M, Ueno-Kudoh H, Sato T, Miyaki S, Asahara H*. Sox9 directly promotes Bapx1 gene expression to repress Runx2 in chondrocytes. Exp Cell Res.  2009 Aug 1;315(13):2231-40.

  52. Furumatsu T*, Ozaki T, Asahara H*Smad3 activates the Sox9-dependent transcription on chromatin. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 2009 May;41(5):1198-204. 

  53. Shimizu H, Uchibe K, Asahara H*Large-scale whole mount in situ hybridization of mouse embryos. Methods Mol Biol. (Chapter 13)   Human Press. 2009;577:167-79. Book. Review.

  54. Kato Y, Miyaki S, Yokoyama S, Omori S, Inoue A, Horiuchi M, Asahara HReal-time functional imaging for monitoring miR-133 during myogenic differentiation. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 2009 Nov;41(11):2225-31. 

  55. Abe Y, Oka A, Mizuguchi M, Igarashi T, Ishikawa S, Aburatani H, Yokoyama S, Asahara H, Nagao K, Yamada M, Miyashita T. EYA4, deleted in a case with middle interhemispheric variant of holoprosencephaly, interacts with SIX3 both physically and functionallyHum Mutat. 2009 Oct;30(10):E946-55.

  56. Nagata Y, Nakasa T, Mochizuki Y, Ishikawa M, Miyaki S, Shibuya H, Yamasaki K, Adachi N, Asahara H, Ochi M. Induction of apoptosis in the synovium of mice with autoantibody-mediated arthritis by the intraarticular injection of double-stranded MicroRNA-15a. Arthritis Rheum. 2009 Sep;60(9):2677-83.

  57. FANTOM Consortium, Suzuki H, Forrest AR, van Nimwegen E, Daub CO, Balwierz PJ, Irvine KM, Lassmann T, Ravasi T, Hasegawa Y, de Hoon MJ, Katayama S, Schroder K, Carninci P, Tomaru Y, Kanamori-Katayama M, Kubosaki A, Akalin A, Ando Y, Arner E, Asada M, Asahara H, Bailey T, Bajic VB, Bauer D, Beckhouse AG, Bertin N, Björkegren J, Brombacher F, Bulger E, Chalk AM, Chiba J, Cloonan N, Dawe A, Dostie J, Engström PG, Essack M, Faulkner GJ, Fink JL, Fredman D, Fujimori K, Furuno M, Gojobori T, Gough J, Grimmond SM, Gustafsson M, Hashimoto M, Hashimoto T, Hatakeyama M, Heinzel S, Hide W, Hofmann O, Hörnquist M, Huminiecki L, Ikeo K, Imamoto N, Inoue S, Inoue Y, Ishihara R, Iwayanagi T, Jacobsen A, Kaur M, Kawaji H, Kerr MC, Kimura R, Kimura S, Kimura Y, Kitano H, Koga H, Kojima T, Kondo S, Konno T, Krogh A, Kruger A, Kumar A, Lenhard B, Lennartsson A, Lindow M, Lizio M, Macpherson C, Maeda N, Maher CA, Maqungo M, Mar J, Matigian NA, Matsuda H, Mattick JS, Meier S, Miyamoto S, Miyamoto-Sato E, Nakabayashi K, Nakachi Y, Nakano M, Nygaard S, Okayama T, Okazaki Y, Okuda-Yabukami H, Orlando V, Otomo J, Pachkov M, Petrovsky N, Plessy C, Quackenbush J, Radovanovic A, Rehli M, Saito R, Sandelin A, Schmeier S, Schönbach C, Schwartz AS, Semple CA, Sera M, Severin J, Shirahige K, Simons C, St Laurent G, Suzuki M, Suzuki T, Sweet MJ, Taft RJ, Takeda S, Takenaka Y, Tan K, Taylor MS, Teasdale RD, Tegnér J, Teichmann S, Valen E, Wahlestedt C, Waki K, Waterhouse A, Wells CA, Winther O, Wu L, Yamaguchi K, Yanagawa H, Yasuda J, Zavolan M, Hume DA; Riken Omics Science Center, Arakawa T, Fukuda S, Imamura K, Kai C, Kaiho A, Kawashima T, Kawazu C, Kitazume Y, Kojima M, Miura H, Murakami K, Murata M, Ninomiya N, Nishiyori H, Noma S, Ogawa C, Sano T, Simon C, Tagami M, Takahashi Y, Kawai J, Hayashizaki Y. The transcriptional network that controls growth arrest and differentiation in a human myeloid leukemia cell line. Nat Genet. 2009 May;41(5):553-62.

  58. Yamasaki K, Nakasa T, Miyaki S, Ishikawa M, Deie M, Adachi N, Yasunaga Y, Asahara H, Ochi M. Expression of MicroRNA-146a in osteoarthritis cartilage. Arthritis Rheum. 2009 Apr;60(4):1035-41.

  59. Hikata T, Takaishi H, Takito J, Hakozaki A, Furukawa M, Uchikawa S, Kimura T, Okada Y, Matsumoto M, Yoshimura A, Nishimura R, Reddy SV, Asahara H, Toyama Y. PIAS3 negatively regulates RANKL-mediated osteoclastogenesis directly in osteoclast precursors and indirectly via osteoblasts. Blood. 2009 Mar 5;113(10):2202-1.

  60. Kumagishi K, Nishida K, Yamaai T, Momota R, Miyaki S, Hirohata S, Naito I, Asahara H, Ninomiya Y, Ohtsuka A. A disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs 9 (ADAMTS9) expression by chondrocytes during endochondral ossification. Arch Histol Cytol. 2009;72(3):175-85.

  61. Grogan SP, Miyaki S, Asahara H, D'Lima DD, Lotz MK. Mesenchymal progenitor cell markers in human articular cartilage: normal distribution and changes in osteoarthritis.Arthritis Res Ther.  2009;11(3):R85.


  62. Nakasa T, Miyaki S, Okubo A, Hashimoto M, Nishida K, Ochi M, Asahara H*Expression of microRNA-146 in rheumatoid arthritis synovial tissue. Arthritis Rheum. 2008 May;58(5):1284-92.

  63. Yokoyama S, Hashimoto M, Shimizu H, Ueno-Kudoh H, Uchibe K, Kimura I,  Asahara H*. Dynamic gene expression of Lin-28 during embryonic development in mouse and chicken. Gene Expr Patterns. 2008 Feb;8(3):155-60.

  64. Hashimoto M, Nakasa T, Hikata T, Asahara H*Molecular  network of cartilage homeostasis and osteoarthritis. Med Res Rev. 2008 May;28(3):464-81. Review.

  65. Yoshitaka T,  Asahara HEpigenetics and Cartilage Regulation. US Musculoskeletal Review.  2008; 3(1): 45-47. Review.

  66. Sakai N, Terami H, Suzuki S, Haga M, Nomoto K, Tsuchida N, Morohashi K, Saito N, Asada M, Hashimoto M, Harada D, Asahara H, Ishikawa T, Shimada F, Sakurada K. Identification of NR5A1 (SF-1/AD4BP) gene expression modulators by large-scale gain and loss of function studies. J Endocrinol. 2008 Sep;198(3):489-97. 


  67. Taniguchi N, Yoshida K, Ito T, Tsuda M, Mishima Y, Furumatsu T, Ronfani L, Abeyama K, Kawahara K, Komiya S, Maruyama I, Lotz M, Bianchi ME, Asahara H*Stage-specific secretion of HMGB1 in cartilage regulates endochondral ossification. Mol Cell Biol. 2007 Aug;27(16):5650-63. 

  68. Shimizu H, Yokoyama S, Asahara H*Growth and differentiation of the developing limb bud from the perspective of chondrogenesis. Dev Growth Differ. 2007 Aug;49(6):449-54.Review.


  69. Sato K, Suematsu A, Nakashima T, Takemoto-Kimura S, Aoki K, Morishita Y, Asahara H, Ohya K, Yamaguchi A, Takai T, Kodama T, Chatila TA, Bito H, Takayanagi H. Regulation of osteoclast differentiation and function by the CaMK-CREB pathway. Nat Med. 2006 Dec;12(12):1410-6. E 


  70. Furumatsu T, Tsuda M, Yoshida K, Taniguchi N, Ito T, Hashimoto M, Ito T, Asahara H*Sox9 and p300 cooperatively regulate chromatin-mediated transcription. J Biol Chem. 2005 Oct 21;280(42):35203-8. 

  71. Furumatsu T, Tsuda M, Taniguchi N, Tajima Y, Asahara H*Smad3 induces chondrogenesis through the activation of SOX9 via CREB-binding protein/p300 recruitment. J Biol Chem. 2005 Mar 4;280(9):8343-50. 

  72. Kawakami Y, Tsuda M, Takahashi S, Taniguchi N, Esteban CR, Zemmyo M, Furumatsu T, Lotz M, Izpisúa Belmonte JC,  Asahara H*.Transcriptional coactivator PGC-1alpha regulates chondrogenesis via association with Sox9. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2005 Feb 15;102(7):2414-9.  


  73. Nishida K, Komiyama T, Miyazawa S, Shen ZN, Furumatsu T, Doi H, Yoshida A, Yamana J, Yamamura M, Ninomiya Y, Inoue H, Asahara H*.Histone deacetylase inhibitor suppression of autoantibody-mediated arthritis in mice via regulation of p16INK4a and p21(WAF1/Cip1) expression. Arthritis Rheum. 2004 Oct;50(10):3365-76.

  74. Omoto S, Nishida K, Yamaai Y, Shibahara M, Nishida T, Doi T, Asahara H, Nakanishi T, Inoue H, Takigawa M. Expression and localization of connective tissue growth factor (CTGF/Hcs24/CCN2) in osteoarthritic cartilage. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2004 Oct;12(10):771-8.

  75. Kato T, Asahara H, Kurokawa MS, Fujisawa K, Hasunuma T, Inoue H, Tsuda M, Takahashi S, Motokawa S, Sumida T, Nishioka K. HTLV-I env protein acts as a major antigen in patients with HTLV-I-associated arthropathy. Clin Rheumatol. 2004 Oct;23(5):400-9.


  76. Tsuda M, Takahashi S, Takahashi Y, Asahara H*.Transcriptional co-activators CREB-binding protein and p300 regulate chondrocyte-specific gene expression via association with Sox9.  J Biol Chem. 2003 Jul 18;278(29):27224-9.

  77. Kawakami Y, Rodríguez-León J, Koth CM, Büscher D, Itoh T, Raya A, Ng JK, Esteban CR, Takahashi S, Henrique D, Schwarz MF, Asahara H, Izpisúa Belmonte JC. MKP3 mediates the cellular response to FGF8 signalling in the vertebrate limb. Nat Cell Biol. 2003 Jun;5(6):513-9.

  78. Canettieri G, Morantte I, Guzmán E, Asahara H, Herzig S, Anderson SD, Yates JR 3rd, Montminy M. Attenuation of a phosphorylation-dependent activator by an HDAC-PP1 complex.  Nat Struct Biol. 2003 Mar;10(3):175-81.


  79. Asahara H, Tartare-Deckert S, Nakagawa T, Ikehara T, Hirose F, Hunter T, Ito T, Montminy M. Dual roles of p300 in chromatin assembly and transcriptional activation in cooperation with nucleosome assembly protein 1 in vitro. Mol Cell Biol. 2002 May;22(9):2974-83.


  80. Xu W, Chen H, Du K, Asahara H, Tini M, Emerson BM, Montminy M, Evans RM. A transcriptional switch mediated by cofactor methylation. Science. 2001 Dec 21;294(5551):2507-11. 

  81. Asahara H, Santoso B, Guzman E, Du K, Cole PA, Davidson I, Montminy M. Chromatin-dependent cooperativity between constitutive and inducible activation domains in CREB. Mol Cell Biol. 2001 Dec;21(23):7892-900.

  82. Long F, Schipani E, Asahara H, Kronenberg H, Montminy M. The CREB family of activators is required for endochondral bone development. Development. 2001 Feb;128(4):541-50.

  83. Sekine T, Masuko-Hongo K, Matsui T, Asahara H, Takigawa M, Nishioka K, Kato T.  Recognition of YKL-39, a human cartilage related protein, as a target antigen in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis. 2001 Jan;60(1):49-54.

  84. Du K, Asahara H, Jhala US, Wagner BL, Montminy M. Characterization of a CREB gain-of-function mutant with constitutive transcriptional activity in vivo. Mol Cell Biol. 2000 Jun;20(12):4320-7.

  85. Asaumi K, Nakanishi T, Asahara H, Inoue H, Takigawa M. Expression of neurotrophins and their receptors (TRK) during fracture healing. Bone. 2000 Jun;26(6):625-33.

  86. Shibahara M, Nishida K, Asahara H, Yoshikawa T, Mitani S, Kondo Y, Inoue H. Increased osteocyte apoptosis during the development of femoral head osteonecrosis in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Acta Med Okayama. 2000 Apr;54(2):67-74.

  87. Michael LF, Asahara H, Shulman AI, Kraus WL, Montminy M. The phosphorylation status of a cyclic AMP-responsive activator is modulated via a chromatin-dependent mechanism. Mol Cell Biol. 2000 Mar;20(5):1596-603. 


  88. Asahara H, Dutta S, Kao HY, Evans RM, Montminy M. Pbx-Hox heterodimers recruit coactivator-corepressor complexes in an isoform-specific manner. Mol Cell Biol. 1999 Dec;19(12):8219-25.

  89. Suzuki M, Asahara H, Endo S, Inada K, Doi M, Kuroda K, Ogawa A. Increased levels of nitrite/nitrate in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage. Neurosurg Rev. 1999 Oct;22(2-3):96-8.

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  91. Okamoto K, Asahara H, Kobayashi T, Matsuno H, Hasunuma T, Kobata T, Sumida T, Nishioka K. Induction of apoptosis in the rheumatoid synovium by Fas ligand gene transfer. Gene Ther. 1998 Mar;5(3):331-8.

  92. Takagoshi H, Hashizume H, Nishida K, Masaoka S, Asahara H, Inoue H. Fibrous structure and connection surrounding the metacarpophalangeal joint. Acta Med Okayama. 1998 Feb;52(1):19-26.

  93. Pu J, Nishida K, Inoue H, Asahara H, Ohtsuka A, Murakami T. Mast cells in osteoarthritic and rheumatoid arthritic synovial tissues of the human knee. Acta Med Okayama. 1998 Feb;52(1):35-9.

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  96. Kobata T, Takasaki K, Asahara H, Hong NM, Masuko-Hongo K, Kato T, Hirose S, Shirai T, Kayagaki N, Yagita H, Okumura K, Nishioka K. Apoptosis with FasL+ cell infiltration in the periphery and thymus of corrected autoimmune mice. Immunology. 1997 Oct;92(2):206-13. 

  97. Xue C, Hasunuma T, Asahara H, Yin W, Maeda T, Fujisawa K, Dong Y, Sumida T, Nishioka K. Transcriptional regulation of the HOX4C gene by basic fibroblast growth factor on rheumatoid synovial fibroblasts. Arthritis Rheum. 1997 Sep;40(9):1628-35.

  98. Asahara H, Fujisawa K, Kobata T, Hasunuma T, Maeda T, Asanuma M, Ogawa N, Inoue H, Sumida T, Nishioka K. Direct evidence of high DNA binding activity of transcription factor AP-1 in rheumatoid arthritis synovium. Arthritis Rheum. 1997 May;40(5):912-8.

  99. Suzuki M, Ogawa A, Asahara H, Endo S, Inada K. Nitric oxide and vasospasm. J Neurosurg. 1997 Apr;86(4):741-2.

  100. Asahara H, Hasunuma T, Kobata T, Inoue H, Muller-Ladner U, Gay S, Sumida T, Nishioka K. In situ expression of protooncogenes and Fas/Fas ligand in rheumatoid arthritis synovium. J Rheumatol. 1997 Mar;24(3):430-5.

  101. Sumida T, Hoa TT, Asahara H, Hasunuma T, Nishioka K. T cell receptor of Fas-sensitive T cells in rheumatoid synovium. J Immunol. 1997 Feb 15;158(4):1965-70.

  102. Hasunuma T, Kayagaki N, Asahara H, Motokawa S, Kobata T, Yagita H, Aono H, Sumida T, Okumura K, Nishioka K. Accumulation of soluble Fas in inflamed joints of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Rheum. 1997 Jan;40(1):80-6.

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  105. Hasunuma T, Hoa TT, Aono H, Asahara H, Yonehara S, Yamamoto K, Sumida T, Gay S, Nishioka K. Induction of Fas-dependent apoptosis in synovial infiltrating cells in rheumatoid arthritis. Int Immunol. 1996 Oct;8(10):1595-602.

  106. Asahara H, Hasumuna T, Kobata T, Yagita H, Okumura K, Inoue H, Gay S, Sumida T, Nishioka K. Expression of Fas antigen and Fas ligand in the rheumatoid synovial tissue. Clin Immunol Immunopathol. 1996 Oct;81(1):27-34.

  107. Fujisawa K, Asahara H, Okamoto K, Aono H, Hasunuma T, Kobata T, Iwakura Y, Yonehara S, Sumida T, Nishioka K. Therapeutic effect of the anti-Fas antibody on arthritis in HTLV-1 tax transgenic mice. J Clin Invest. 1996 Jul 15;98(2):271-8.

  108. Asahara H, Kawai A, Harada Y, Senda M, Inoue H. Spinal schwannomas: a review of 42 cases. Acta Med Okayama. 1996 Feb;50(1):25-8.

  109. Hashizume H, Asahara H, Nishida K, Inoue H, Konishiike T. Histopathology of Kienböck's disease. Correlation with magnetic resonance and other imaging techniques. J Hand Surg Br. 1996 Feb;21(1):89-93.

  110. Asahara H, Yokoi I, Tamada T, Kabuto H, Ogawab N, Mori A, Inoue H. Increased cerebrospinal fluid nitrite and nitrate levels in patients with lumbar spondylosis. Res Commun Mol Pathol Pharmacol. 1996 Jan;91(1):77-83.


  111. Asahara H, Asanuma M, Ogawa N, Nishibayashi S, Inoue H. High DNA-binding activity of transcription factor NF-kappa B in synovial membranes of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Biochem Mol Biol Int. 1995 Nov;37(5):827-32.

  112. Asahara H, Kabuto H, Yokoi I, Habu H, Mori A, Inoue H. Nitric oxide synthase inhibited by audouine  in the rat brain. Neuroreport. 1995 May 30;6(8):1146-8.

  113. Kabuto H, Yokoi I, Habu H, Asahara H, Mori A. Inhibitory effect of arcaine on nitric oxide synthase in the rat brain. Neuroreport. 1995 Feb 15;6(3):554-6. 


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