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・三ツ村隆弘さん(東京医科歯科大学 稲瀬・宮崎教室より参加)Blood Advances

望月祐輔さん(日本医科大学 高井教室より参加)Developmental Cell

中筋貴史さん(東京医科歯科大学 宮坂・久保田教室より参加) PLoS Genetics

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渡邉 隆司さん PLoS Genetics

Latest Publications

Uchida Y, Kurimoto R, ChibaT, Matsushima T, Oda G, Onishi I, Takeuchi Y, Gotoh N,  Asahara H*. RNA binding protein ZCCHC24 promotes tumorigenicity in triple-negative breast cancer. EMBO Rep. in press.


Yagasaki L, Chiba T, Kurimoto R, Nakajima M, Iwata T, Asahara H*The essential role of Mkx in periodontal ligament on the metabolism of alveolar bone and cementum. Regen Ther. 2023 Dec 29;25:186-193.

Inotsume M#, Chiba T#, Matsushima T, Kurimoto R, Nakajima M, Kato T, Shishido K, Liu L, Kawakami K, Asahara H*One-step generation of mice with gene editing by Tol2 transposon-dependent gRNA delivery. FEBS Lett. 2023 Apr;597(7):975-984. Epub 2023 Mar 20.(+VIDEO)

​Yamamoto H#, Uchida Y#, Kurimoto R#, Chiba T, Matsushima T, Ito Y, Inotsume M, Miyata K, Watanabe K, Inada M, Goshima N, Uchida T, Asahara H*. LIN28A upregulates HIF1α by post-transcriptional regulation via direct binding to UGAU motifs. J Biol Chem. 2023 Jan;299(1):102791.

Nakamichi R, Ma S, Nonoyama T, Chiba T, Kurimoto R, Ohzono H, Olmer M, Shukunami C, Fuku N, Wang F, Morrison E, Pitsiladis YP, Ozaki T, D’Lima D, Lotz M, Patapoutian A, Asahara H*The mechanosensitive ion channel PIEZO1 is expressed in tendons and regulates physical performance. Sci Transl Med. 2022 Jun;14(647):eabj5557.

Nakamichi R, Asahara H*Motion-capture Analysis of Mice Using a Video Recorded on an iPhone Camera. Bio Protoc. 2022  12(21): e4539.


Takada K#, Chiba T#, Miyazaki T, Yagasaki L, Nakamichi R, Iwata T, Moriyama K, Harada H,  Asahara H*. Single cell RNA sequencing reveals critical functions of Mkx in periodontal ligament homeostasis. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 2022  Feb 4;10:795441.

Tsutsumi H, Kurimoto R, Chiba T, Nakamichi R, Matsushima T, Fujii Y, Sanada R, Kato T, Shishido K, Sakamaki Y, Kimura T, Kishida A, Asahara H*Generation of a tendon-like tissue from human iPS cells. J Tissue Eng. 2022 Jan 21;13:20417314221074018.


Ito Y, Matsuzaki T, Ayabe F, Mokuda S, Kurimoto R, Matsushima T, Mochizuki Y, Inotsume M, Tsutsumi H, Liu L, Shinohara M, Tanaka Y, Nakamichi R, Nishida K, Lotz M, Asahara H*Both microRNA-455-5p and -3p repress hypoxia-inducible factor-2α expression and coordinately regulate cartilage homeostasis. Nat Commun. 2021 Jul 6;12(1):4148.

Uchida Y#, Matsushima T#, Kurimoto R#, Chiba T, Inutani Y, Asahara H*. Identification of chemical compounds regulating PD-L1 by introducing HiBiT-tagged cells. FEBS Letters. 2021 Mar;595(5):563-576. (editor's choice) 

Miyazaki T#, Kurimoto R#, Chiba T, Matsushima T, Nakamichi R, Tsutsumi H, Takada K, Yagasaki L, Kato T, Shishido K, Kobayashi Y, Matsumoto T, Moriyama K*, Asahara H*. Mkx regulates the orthodontic tooth movement via osteoclast induction. JBMM. 2021 May 14. 

Yamamoto H#, Uchida Y#, Chiba T#, Kurimoto R, Matsushima T, Ishikawa C, Li H, Shiga T, Muratani M, Uchida T*, Asahara H*. Transcriptome analysis of sevoflurane exposure effects at the different brain regions. PloS One. 2020 Dec 15;15(12):e0236771. 

Kurimoto R, Chiba T, Ito Y, Matsushima T, Yano Y, Miyata K, Yashiro Y, Suzuki T, Tomita K, Asahara H*The tRNA pseudouridine synthase TruB1 regulates the maturation of let-7 miRNA. EMBO J.  2020  e104708.


Sato T, Kataoka K, Ito Y, Yokoyama S, Inui M, Mori M, Takahashi S, Akita K, Takada S, Ueno-Kudoh H, Asahara H*. Lin28a/let-7 Pathway Modulates the Hox Code via Polycomb Regulation during Axial Patterning in Vertebrates. eLife.  2020  May 29;9:e53608.

Kataoka K, Kurimoto R, Tsutsumi H, Chiba T, Kato T, Shishito K, Kato M, Ito Y, Cho Y, Hoshi O, Mimata A, Sakamaki Y, Nakamichi R, Lotz MK, Naruse K*,  Asahara H*. In vitro neo-genesis of tendon-like tissue by combination of Mohawk and a three dimensional cyclic mechanical stretch culture system. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 2020 Jun 2;8:307. 


Yano Y, Chiba T, Asahara H*. Analysis of the mouse Y chromosome by single molecule sequencing with Y chromosome enrichment. Frontiers in Genetics. 2020 May 7;11:406. 


Yamashita S#, Kataoka K#, Yamamoto H#, Kato T, Hara S, Yamaguchi K, Renard-Guillet C, Katou Y, Shirahige K, Ochi H, Ogino H, Uchida T, Inui M, Takada S, Shigenobu S*, Asahara H*Comparative analysis demonstrates cell type-specific conservation of SOX9 targets between mouse and chicken. Sci Rep. 2019 Aug 29;9(1):12560. 


Mokuda S, Nakamichi R, Matsuzaki T, Ito Y, Sato T, Miyata K, Inui M, Olmer M, Sugiyama E, Lotz M,  Asahara H*Wwp2 maintains cartilage homeostasis through regulation of Adamts5. Nat Commun. 2019 Jun 3;10(1):2429.


Mitsumura T#, Ito Y#, Chiba T#, Matsushima T, Kurimoto R, Tanaka Y, Kato T, Uchida K, Ito T, Yamamoto K, Eishi Y, Kitagawa M, Miyazaki Y, Inase N, Asahara H*Ablation of miR-146b in mice causes hematopoietic malignancy. Blood Adv. 2018 Dec 11;2(23):3483-3491.


Mochizuki Y, Chiba T, Kataoka K, Yamashita S, Sato T, Kato T, Takahashi K, Miyamoto T, Kitazawa M, Hatta T, Natsume T, Takai S, Asahara H*Combinatorial CRISPR/Cas9-approach to elucidate a far-upstream enhancer complex for tissue-specific Sox9 expression. Dev Cell. 2018 Sep 24;46(6):794-806.


Inui M*, Mokuda S, Sato T, Tamano M, Takada S, Asahara H*Dissecting the roles of miR-140 and its host gene. Nat Cell Biol. 2018 May;20(5):516-518. 


Ito Y, Inoue A, Seers T, Hato Y, Igarashi A, Toyama T, Taganov K, Boldin M, Asahara H*Identification of targets of tumor suppressor microRNA-34a using a reporter library system. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A2017 Apr 11;114(15):3927-3932. 

Hasei J, Teramura T, Takehara T, Onodera Y, Horii T, Olmer M, Hatada I, Fukuda K, Ozaki T, Lotz M, Asahara H*TWIST1 induces MMP3 expression through up-regulating DNA hydroxymethylation and promotes catabolic responses in human chondrocytes. Sci Rep. 2017 Feb 21;7:42990. 


Nakasuji T, Ogonuki N, Chiba T, Kato T, Shiozawa K, Yamatoya K, Tanaka H, Kondo T, Miyado K, Miyasaka N, Kubota T, Ogura A, Asahara H*Complementary Critical Functions of Zfy1 and Zfy2 in Mouse Spermatogenesis and Reproduction. PLoS Genetics. 2017 Jan 23;13(1):e1006578.


Koda N, Sato T, Shinohara M, Ichinose S, Ito Y, Nakamichi R, Kayama T, Kataoka K, Suzuki H, Moriyama K, Asahara H*Mohawk transcription factor regulates homeostasis of the periodontal ligament. Development. 2017 Jan 15;144(2):313-320.


Naito M, Mori M, Inagawa M, Miyata K, Hashimoto N, Tanaka S, Asahara H*Dnmt3a Regulates Proliferation of Muscle Satellite Cells via p57Kip2PLoS Genetics. 2016 Jul 14;12(7):e1006167. 


Nakamichi R, Ito Y, Inui M, Onizuka N, Kayama T, Kataoka K, Suzuki H, Mori M, Inagawa M, Ichinose S, Lotz M, Sakai D, Masuda K, Ozaki T, Asahara H*Mohawk promotes the maintenance and regeneration of the outer annulus fibrosus of intervertebral discs. Nat Commun. 2016 Aug 16;7:12503.


Suzuki H, Ito Y, Shinohara M, Yamashita S, Ichinose S, Kishida A, Oyaizu T, Kayama T, Nakamichi R, Koda N, Yagishita K, Lotz M, Okawa A, Asahara H*Gene targeting of the transcription factor Mohawk in rats causes heterotopic ossification of Achilles tendon via failed tenogenesisProc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2016 Jul 12;113(28):7840-5.

Kayama T, Mori M, Ito Y, Matsushima T, Nakamichi R, Suzuki H, Ichinose S, Saito M, Marumo K, Asahara H*Gtf2ird1-Dependent Mohawk Expression Regulates Mechanosensing Properties of the Tendon. Mol Cell Biol. 2016 Mar 31;36(8):1297-309. 


Matsubara Y, Kato T, Kashimada K, Tanaka H, Zhi Z, Ichinose S, Mizutani S, Morio T, Chiba T, Ito Y, Saga Y, Takada S*, Asahara H*TALEN-Mediated Gene Disruption on Y Chromosome Reveals Critical Role of EIF2S3Y in Mouse Spermatogenesis. Stem Cells Dev. 2015 May15;24(10):1164-70. 

Miyata K, Miyata T, Nakabayashi K, Okamura K, Naito M, Kawai T, Takada S, Kato K, Miyamoto S, Hata K, Asahara H*DNA methylation analysis of human myoblasts during in vitro myogenic differentiation: de novo methylation of promoters of muscle-related genes and its involvement in transcriptional down-regulation. Hum Mol Genet. 2015 Jan 15;24(2):410-23. 

Watanabe T, Oyama T, Asada M, Harada D, Ito Y, Inagawa M, Suzuki Y, Sugano S, Katsube K, Karsenty G, Komori T, Kitagawa M, Asahara H*MAML1 enhances the transcriptional activity of Runx2 and plays a role in bone development. PLoS Genetics. 2013;9(1):e1003132.

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